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The isotopic composition of the soil microbial biomass and of adenine and guanine isolated from soil incubated with 14C and 15N-labelled plant material : comparison with fumigation method / CORTEZ, J. ; Georges Billès ; Pierre Bottner (1985)
Titre : The isotopic composition of the soil microbial biomass and of adenine and guanine isolated from soil incubated with 14C and 15N-labelled plant material : comparison with fumigation method Type de document : article Auteurs : CORTEZ, J. ; Georges Billès ; Pierre Bottner Editeur : Pergamon Année de publication : 1985 Collection : Soil Biology and Biochemistry num. 17 (6) Importance : 773-778 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : ART37111 Mots-clés : ADENINE AZOTE 15 BASE NUCLEIQUE BIOMASSE MICROBIENNE CARBONE 14 GUANINE MARQUAGE Note de contenu : Liste publications 1985/463 The isotopic composition of the soil microbial biomass and of adenine and guanine isolated from soil incubated with 14C and 15N-labelled plant material : comparison with fumigation method [article] / CORTEZ, J. ; Georges Billès ; Pierre Bottner . - Pergamon, 1985 . - 773-778. - (Soil Biology and Biochemistry; 17 (6)) .
ISSN : ART37111
Mots-clés : ADENINE AZOTE 15 BASE NUCLEIQUE BIOMASSE MICROBIENNE CARBONE 14 GUANINE MARQUAGE Note de contenu : Liste publications 1985/463 Exemplaires(1)
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