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Floral display in Narcissus: variation in flower size and number at the species, population, and individual levels / WORLEY, A.C. ; BAKER, A.M. ; John D. Thompson ; BARRETT, S.C. (2000)
Titre : Floral display in Narcissus: variation in flower size and number at the species, population, and individual levels Type de document : article Auteurs : WORLEY, A.C. ; BAKER, A.M. ; John D. Thompson ; BARRETT, S.C. Editeur : The University of Chicago Press Année de publication : 2000 Collection : International Journal of Plant Sciences num. 161 (1) Importance : pp. 69-79 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : ART64432 Mots-clés : ALLOCATION RESSOURCE AMARYLLIDACEAE Floraison NARCISSUS Phénologie Population Reproduction Variation Floral display in Narcissus: variation in flower size and number at the species, population, and individual levels [article] / WORLEY, A.C. ; BAKER, A.M. ; John D. Thompson ; BARRETT, S.C. . - The University of Chicago Press, 2000 . - pp. 69-79. - (International Journal of Plant Sciences; 161 (1)) .
ISSN : ART64432
Mots-clés : ALLOCATION RESSOURCE AMARYLLIDACEAE Floraison NARCISSUS Phénologie Population Reproduction Variation Exemplaires(1)
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