Consequences of protecting flowers in a fig : a one-way trip for pollinators ? / GIBERNAU, M. ; Martine Hossaert-McKey ; ANSTETT, M.C. ; Finn Kjellberg (1996)
Consequences of protecting flowers in a fig : a one-way trip for pollinators ? [article] / GIBERNAU, M. ; Martine Hossaert-McKey ; ANSTETT, M.C. ; Finn Kjellberg . - Blackwell, 1996 . - 425-432. - (Journal of Biogeography; 23) . ISSN : ART58797
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58797 | GIB_23_58797 | Document imprimé | Salle des périodiques Le Houérou | 23_Publications_CEFE | Disponible |